Monday, 29 September 2014

The "How To" Squat

1. Sit down and back, as though you’re sitting down onto a chair. Ensure to squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Deeper squats are fabulous at really exhausting the lower body, but are not recommended for those with weak knees!
2. Keep the weight on the heels and try not to extend the knees beyond your toes.
3. Keep you abs tight, roll your shoulders back and stand tall, maintaining a straight back.
5. Exhale with exertion.
6. Keep a soft bend in the knees when you push up. This will keep the work in your legs and not your knee joints.

If some of your muscles are tight, it can indeed limit your technique and range of motion. For example make sure to stretch the Piriformis, hip flexors and, if possible, execute a full body stretch as after all you are working pretty much all the significant muscles in your body!

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